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6 February 2025
How can we help you?

Experience the port

Packed agenda

There is always something to do at the port and in FutureLand! The agenda shows you all the fun activities you can undertake, such as excursions, workshops and special events. So visit us soon!

Come with a group

Visit FutureLand with your friends, family, colleagues or students. Whether you visit with your Rotary, company, school or entire family: you decide how your visit will look like.

Recharge at Lunch Port

At Lunch Port, you come to your senses. Enjoy all the treats that are freshly prepared with local products. The restaurant and terrace offer a view of the world's most modern port area.

The Port of Rotterdam has been expanded with the most modern European top location for port activities: Maasvlakte 2. FutureLand information centre is located in the centre of this port area and has views across the container terminals of the future. There’s much to see, do and learn about the construction and design of Maasvlakte 2 in this free information centre. FutureLand is suitable for young and old, for landlubbers and water rats, and port enthusiasts and gamers. You can also take an impressive boat trip, bus tour or take part in fascinating or fun events.

You can also visit FutureLand with a group or class and enjoy views of the automatic container transhipment and the world’s biggest container ships. It’s also possible book a presentation and tour with an experienced guide. There is always something to experience in FutureLand's interactive environment!

FutureLand experience center

Practical information

Prepare your visit to FutureLand beforehand. Find information about practical matters like the price of admission. Or check out which options there are to hold a children’s party in the centre, for example, or whether you are eligible for a discount.

Experience the construction!

Stand at the steering wheel and see how and when the land rose out of the water during construction. This interactive replica presents the construction process and figures. Would you like to know more about the construction of the immense quay walls or the extremely strong seawall? Just move your finger across the screen to watch the film of your choice.

Go beyond the gates!

Enjoy a 360-degree view of the companies on Maasvlakte. Go where hardly anybody else goes and prepare to be amazed by the size of the terminals and the state-of-the-art technology used to unload the bulk carriers. As well as deciding on your destination you can also select your viewing directions.

Lie down!

Lie beneath a huge globe and experience why the Port of Rotterdam has to grow. You ask and we’ll show it.

Dive into the future!

Wear VR glasses to take a real dive into the future to fly along the ports of 2066! What will these look like and how will we handle energy? Will drones then be the new normal?

See water in water!

Watch the construction of Maasvlakte 2 projected onto a large 4x4-metre water curtain in the WaterTheater. Incredible!

Go on an expedition!

Step on the FutureLand Express and take a special trip through the world’s most modern port area. Or take to the water with a boat trip on the FutureLand Ferry. You simply can’t get closer to the world’s biggest container ships.

Bring along your smartphone

You can also explore FutureLand with the help of an audio tour. Learn about the latest developments via your own smartphone, which takes you on an interesting guided tour of the centre. We offer our audio tour in seven different languages.

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