Safe port
Safety is a top priority for the Port Authority
The Port of Rotterdam Authority is working to create a safe, healthy and attractive port environment. Security is our top priority at the port – for shipping, but also for local residents, port personnel, businesses, recreational visitors and others users of the port area.
Security is a multi-faceted term. In addition to navigational security, it also refers to social safety, water safety, workplace safety and cyber security. With its various services and projects, the Port of Rotterdam Authority is committed to creating the safest port possible for everyone.
Emergency alert in the case of incident or crisis
The animation below explains how and when the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Safety Region informs and alerts local residents in the case of an incident or crisis, and which channels it uses. For further information: www.rijnmondveilig.nl.
Incident training exercises
The Harbour Master's Division is often the first on the scene in the case of an incident on the water. During the half-yearly training exercise, staff get training and practice in handling incidents in the most realistic way. One of the things they train with is extinguishing agents; in their firefighters' uniforms, the division tackles incidents with smoke, fire and extreme heat, using their own vessels and resources. The purpose of these training exercises is to control and contain incidents at the port as safely, quickly and effectively as possible, in order to limit consequential damage and disruptions.
Practice exercise with fire on board ship
Fires on board a vessel under way demand different skills, know-how and materials than on shore. In Rotterdam, the Maritime Incident Response Group Netherlands (MIRG-NL) is at the ready 24/7 to support crew in the case of a fire on board ship. This is a team specialised in fighting ship fires.
The team is sent out at the request of the Netherlands Coastguard Centre, which receives the emergency alarm from the captain. The Coastguard Centre then contacts the control centre in Rotterdam who send out the MIRG to fight the ship fire. They arrive at the scene of the incident by helicopter, and descend from the air onto the vessel. MIRG-NL exercises take place every year, during which the team's actions are filmed.
Those participating in the exercise days are: Rotterdam-Rijnmond Security Region (VRR), the Joint Fire Brigade, the Port of Rotterdam Authority, the Coastguard Centre of Den Helder, the Marine Corps fire brigade and the NHV (North Sea Helicopters Flanders).
Security on shore
DCMR Rijnmond Environmental Service (DCMR) and Rotterdam-Rijnmond Security Region (VRR) are tasked with overseeing security on shore by the municipal and provincial governments. The Port of Rotterdam Authority is an active participant in controlling incidents in and around the port.