Rail Connected Growth Programme
In this programme, the various parties in the industry streamline information exchange and reduce manual operations. The aim is to better align the use of resources and capacity to achieve a competitive rail product. We cordially invite other parties to join.
Some 15 million containers are transhipped in Rotterdam every year. The container market will continue to grow in the coming decades due to, for instance, population growth and consumption growth. Rotterdam wants to continue facilitating and encouraging this growth, but in a sustainable, efficient and data-driven way so as to minimise any waste in time, money, capacity and energy. This requires investments in digital rail infrastructure in addition to investments in the physical accessibility of the port.
This is what we are working on:
- Reducing manual operations when scheduling trains
- Reducing alignment in the chain due to numerous deviations
- Efficient way of communicating between chain parties
- Greater insight and transparency into the rail freight process
- Proactively informing about deviations in planning
- Accurate, integrated train transport planning
Link with Portbase
Together, we explored where the needs for improvement lie and what the priorities are. We are starting to further digitise core processes. We do this by creating a link to Portbase and further developing the ‘Notification Container Hinterland Barge’ service.
Sector-wide approach
At least 25 parties are now participating in the programme. Terminal operators, rail operators and traction suppliers work together with the Port Authority and Portbase under the guidance of the Rail Freight Platform.
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