Agricultural commodities
The port of Rotterdam is an all-round port for agricultural commodities. In Rotterdam you will find a broad selection of services for the transhipment and storage of agricultural products, such as corn, grains, soybeans and oilseeds, such as rapeseed.
Furthermore, the Rotterdam region includes various leading companies with expertise in processing and trading agricultural commodities. The large quantities of cargo this involves produce attractive economies of scale for the food, animal feed and biofuel industries.
Import, export and transhipment of agricultural commodities
The port of Rotterdam is ideally situated for the import, export and transhipment of agricultural commodities. The port is accessible 24/7 without any obstructions, such as locks or bridges, and enjoys excellent sea connections with the most important producing regions in for example the Black Sea region and North and South America. An extensive network of short sea, inland shipping, rail and road facilities provides extensive transhipment options, for example to Germany, the United Kingdom, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Transhipment and storage of grains, soybeans and rapeseed
The generous supply of expert service providers and the modern storage and transhipment facilities make Rotterdam attractive to traders. For example, the trading houses ADM, Bunge, Cefetra, Cofco and Viterra regularly make use of the port of Rotterdam. The following companies in Rotterdam can assist you with the storage and handling of grains, soybeans, rapeseed and other agribulk products:
- BSR Van Uden Stevedoring
- EBS (European Bulk Services)
- Marcor Stevedoring
- Stuwadoorsbedrijf A. Brussé & Zn B.V.
- ZHD (Zeehavenbedrijf Dordrecht)
- Agro Delta
- ADM Terminal (Europoort)
Value-added services and processing of agribulk
In addition to being a port for the import and export of agricultural commodities, the port of Rotterdam also is a key industrial site for agribulk-related producers. For example, Dossche Mills processes grains in Rotterdam for the food industry, ADM has a soy and rapeseed crusher in the Europoort, Codrico produces corn products and Provimi produces animal feed. Cargill, IOI-Loders Croklaan, Wilmar Edible Oils and Alco Energy have production sites for vegetable oils and fats in the port area. In addition, you will also find the necessary related companies in Rotterdam, such as laboratories and specialised logistics service providers. A growing market for agribulk products is the biofuel industry. Rotterdam has four bioethanol and biodiesel/biofuels production plants.
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